Our Performance
Heron Hill Primary School rated Good by Ofsted - October 2022
See our 2022 Ofsted report here
Our aim and passion as a primary school is to help your child become a confident, polite, well-rounded child who fulfils their individual potential through classwork, physical education and culture.
No single measure or test can easily answer the question 'How good is Heron Hill Primary School?' but documents which measure our performance against other similar schools using UK Government approved tests can be found at the bottom of the page.
In Foundation Stage “teachers are successful in providing a rich and varied curriculum which offers children the chance to learn effectively both indoors and outside…”
“As a consequence, by the time the children leave Reception, they make good progress.”
Financial Transparency
There are no individuals earning more than £100,000 at this school.
The school's annual income and expenditure can be viewed on the Department for Education's Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) website here.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch Up Premium
Heron Hill School has received the coronavirus (COVID-19) catch up premium grant since 2020.
The following information shows details of how the grant is being spent and how the effect of the expenditure on the educational attainment of our pupils will be assessed.
How is it intended that the grant will be spent?
This is the last year that Year 6 will be with us Heron Hill. They have been heavily impacted by COVID absence, and therefore have had extensive tutoring support. Eleven Year 5 pupils have needed additional support to ensure gaps in mathematical understanding due to COVID-19 were closed.
The effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school will be assessed by their improved SATs results. Gaps in multiplication and division were closed so that children are ready for fraction, decimal and percentage work in Year 6.
Trish Merritt
May 2022